The Scarlet Rose is an underground syndicate based in Skyheimr and headed by a taeral panther named Vikaanii.Their primary goal is overthrowing Queen Caspian, and placing Vikaanii on the throne in her place, as he and most of his followers believe he would be a better ruler.
The group was founded some time after Caspian took the throne, when Vikaanii doubted her abilities, having likely caught on to perceived incompetence. He believes that he would be a far superior ruler, and would argue that he deserves the power to rule the country. Many people within The Scarlet Rose agree with him, though it's uncertain whether everyone truly would bow to a "King Vikaanii."
Recruitment to The Scarlet Rose is a very simple process. Fliers displaying only the image of a crimson-red rose are posted around. While they seem like nothing at all, these fliers are quite literally the key into the group. The group’s base of operation is disguised as an inn, with rose bushes by the door. The inn shares the group’s name, and by giving the flier to the innkeeper, an individual is given a small metal token with a rose insignia on it, signifying the person’s allegiance to The Scarlet Rose. This token also doubles as a key to open a hidden door in the inn, which leads downstairs to the group’s true base of operations, where the group meets up. Members of The Scarlet Rose are permitted to freely come and go as they please, regardless of whether the group has a real meeting happening.
There are rooms upstairs for people to stay, regardless of whether they are related to the group. The reason for this is simply just to throw off that extra bit of suspicion. The group likes its secrecy, and intends to stay secret until they have a concrete plan of how they are going to fulfill their mission.The group has representatives in the different villages in order to grow their numbers. The recruiting method is very similar, with fliers that only contain the image of a rose, and non-suspicious buildings with rose bushes outside. The only difference is that the representative the flier will be handed to will direct the individual to the inn in Skyheimr.
While The Scarlet Rose does not have very many rules, the few that they do have are important, and should be followed.(IC)
i. never speak of the syndicate outside of the inn basement walls, even to close friends; these are security risks, even if you think no one is listening.
ii. if you lose your rose token, you can only get a new one by bringing another flier to a thorn.
iii. anyone is permitted to join the scarlet rose, with the exception of most higher ranking individuals. guards from anywhere may join, but may not be fully trusted for quite some time.
iv. do not show your rose token to anyone, regardless of who they are or how much you trust them.
v. there will be no infighting.
vi. by joining the scarlet rose, you swear your loyalty to the future king vikaanii of nevriande.If you are caught breaking any rules, you may be kicked out of The Scarlet Rose, or even killed as punishment.
While The Scarlet Rose doesn't have very many ranks, the few that they have are very important to the way the group operates.

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The roots are essentially the regular members of the group. They advocate for the queen being overthrown, and for Vikaanii’s rise to power.
The thorns act as representatives and they are a very important part of the group. They are in charge of recruitment in other places. They act as innkeepers, store owners, or other things in order to seem un-suspicious. If handed a rose flier, a representative will either direct the person to the inn in Skyheimr, or will be given a rose token, depending on where they are.

The rose acts as the leader of the group, and is the most important role. They are in charge of everything, including meetings, representatives, and plans. They believe they are worthy of having the power to control Nevriande, and will stop at nothing to gain it.